
Do Boring Products = Boring Product Photos?


3 B2B Product photography lessons from B2C brands

Studies have repeatedly demonstrated the impact photos have on us. We’ve all heard that a picture is worth 1000 words.

Whether purchasing a B2B product or B2C product, people are people and people are more likely to purchase items they can see. Compelling photos that convey how a product will be used can generate interest and ultimately, sales.

However, some of my B2B marketing colleagues will be the first to tell me that their products don’t lend themselves to compelling photos. Industrial equipment – rolls of aluminum sheeting or coils of cable, for example –are difficult to capture in a way that makes them appealing and interesting, they say.

Similarly, computer parts or storage bins seem dull and boring. Boring! Not so.

Product photography professional

A professional photographer, particularly one that specializes in product photography, can provide insight and inspiration on how to bring a product photo shoot to life. Moving beyond the simplistic ‘product on table’ photos, a professional photographer will showcase products in a way that can create visual art.

Want to know the secrets B2C companies have long known to getting compelling product images?

1. Use appropriate lighting to enhance proper texture

Any photographer will tell you – lighting is one of the most important elements to be considered in a photo shoot. Product photography can be enhanced by experimenting with lighting angles and shadows, as well using natural lighting. Adding different background lighting can completely change the look of a product, add dramatic overtones or highlight a particular product. If a product happens to be flat, lighting can shape it to add texture and story.

Industrial Product Photography

2. Add interest with angles, colour and variation

For items that may be less than appealing to the average user, product photos are improved by taking advantage of a variety of angles and focal points. Contrasting colours can draw attention consumer’s eyes to products and create a visually interesting image. Taking macro shots, standing on a ladder, using long lenses with zoom are all methods of adding interest in photos.

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3. Understand the product

Showcasing the ways a product will be used requires a basic understanding of how the product works. or how it relates to other product when it comes to scale, texture, colouring, etc.  Knowing how a product moves, its limitations and benefits will give the photographer the opportunity to plan for action shots safely.


Get your product photography project into action

Still think your product is too boring, too technical, and too mundane to benefit from product photography? Contact us at Donna Santos Studio Photo + Video anyway and let’s talk through some options.